-No pain No fun

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why did I this project:

No pain no fun is a research around physical pain, in which i take the body as a literal working material. I use physical pain to talk about certain things: about truth vs. fiction, theatricality, the manipulation of our pain that is made by the power, the relationship I have had with the body as a vehicle for expression when I was a kid in my neighbor and later as a punk, the tyranny to which we are subjected by clothing, fashions and icons. The public covers my body with the wax of 1,000 candles, I sew buttons or fasten badges to my skin; they are actions that are not very theatrical and in order not to have to repeat them I chose the photo format with photographer Jerónimo Álvarez. We have photographed all those actions to have a project in a finished format that will remain there.

Concept and performer: david fernández
Photography: Jerónimo Álvarez